Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Important things you need to know
We're only here for a day before we fly off to Sydney, and so we thought we'd have a walk around. After a while we got too hot and couldn't find we went shopping!
Kuala Lumpur to Singapore
Kuala Lumpur
We got a plane from Phuket over to Kuala Lumpur and it wasn't long before we were writing the first chapter of 'how to be mugged off in Malaysia, for Dummies'. As we got in to the airport we got on a big coach with a million other people with the promise that we'd be dropped off at our hotel. Not that I want to brand a whole country, but Malaysia is not that far from Thailand and had probably been tipped off that those '2 white girls' were an easy target. After about 2 hours on the bus we noticed that a lot of the hotels looked familiar and it was clear they had no idea where 'Hotel Grand Central' was. Before long we got kicked out right by 'our' hotel, so given that we were only paying about 10quid a night, we were suprised to see that according to the friendly driver we were staying at what looked like the plushed hotel ever. We checked the address with him and he swore blind that that was the right address. So they drive off and we find that we're about 10 minutes away by taxi from our slightly less fancy hotel and we're not amused.
Kuala Lumpur has the highest twin towers in the world, so we checked them out, although couldn't actually go up them because of some ticket fiasco of course. Nevermind, the city also has a tower called the Menara Tower which gives you a guided audio tour up on the top looking over the city. Oh and up there we saw some weird Malaysian pop star, probs an Asian Idol contestant, who was followed by about 50 kids all dressed in white. Clearly his photo shoots have a dress code! Other than that Kuala Lumpur was pretty much just shopping, impressive shopping though, but given our budget we couldn't exactly saunter around louis vuitton flashing the cash!
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
Phi Phi Island
My Birthday, the best and most important day of the year!
Of all the people to be excited about my birthday it should have been Nicola, to whom I had been treating to a birthday countdown everyday, but suprise suprise it was moi who was up at the crack of dawn getting ready for the big day! Shockingly, Nicola did NOT I repeat NOT get me a birthday present, but she did treat me to a Burger King breakfast in bed including tea, bliss! We had to be up early anyway because we had booked a trip to go kayaking in some nearby mangroves. We got a lift in yet another backless van/truck and were greeted by many other wannabe kayak...ers! We were in a small group of our guides, some middle ageing Brummie couple, a fearsome duo of two Thai ladies and us (with me at the front of course). The first stretch of water was troublesome particularly as Nicola seemed to refuse to cooperate with her paddling skills, and pretty much every other minute we were veering off to the right. Of course this was all her fault. It wasn't long though before we saw some of the 'wildlife' in the form of millions of tiny crabs on this one bit of beach, there were so many you couldnt tell what they were and just coated the whole beach! Then we really hit the jackpot and we saw monkeys! They were so cool and our bad boy tour guide fed them pineapple so they were like putty in our hands (and our boat, ah!). We went around all morning and then headed back only to get our game faces on against all the other couples and it was a show down against Mr and Mrs Brummie. Nicola finally saw sense and decided to syncronise her rowing with me, and we won and made it back to camp first, woop! After that we had a cold beer back at the hotel where the sly thais duped Nicola out of a cake for my birthday, nevermind, it was the thought that counts! We will learn one day that we will never defeat those wily thais. I then treated myself to a Thai massage, that involved yet more bending and breaking and clicking and yelping, and finished with a ginger tea, phew! We then went to a cocktail 'bar' (a term used loosely to describe the roof of someone's garage boasting a cocktail menu) which was the only place in Thailand so far to make Cosmopolitans! So we had our fill of those, then went out for a meal, yum yum! A good day in all.... for a 24year old!
Nicola found sunset mode on her camera!
An evening stroll!
After Lisa left, Nicola and I stayed one more night and had a walk further up the beach in Koh Samui to find lots of very posh bars hidden away, clearly we missed that one! We got a flight to Krabi which is on the mainland, on the 'Andaman' coast. Given that our organisation so far has been whatever my Mum was kind enough to book for us, it wasn't a suprise that leaving us to our own devices was going to go wrong. We managed to book accomodation by finding some wireless internet under a coconut tree on the beach at night time and we thought we had done pretty well! We arrive at the actual hotel and of course it all went wrong and they were over booked! HOWEVER! In a strange and unfamiliar act of Thai kindness, they put us up for a night in a very fancy hotel instead and then went back to the original hotel after the first night.
Friday, 30 November 2007
Koh Samui airport, the greatest in the world!
The only toilet in the whole of Thailand to impress me
Just look at the sinks! 2 weeks worth of minging toilets have made us appreciative!
Walking to our gate past customs!
Koh Samui!
After the parties in Koh Phangan we decided to chill out a bit and got a ferry over to Koh Samui! It was beautiful so we decided just to chill out a bit and get a tan, especially as it was Lisa's last few days. On Wednesday Lisa left us to fly back home and then there were two!
Full Moon Party
Drunk people saw this as a skipping rope, we saw it as death
Look at Lisa with her bucket
Lisa got a butterfly!
I got a butterfly too, but clearly mine was better
No wonder we saw so many burns victims the day after
THAT night in Bangkok
Lisa and I tried to figure out the angles of the 'X club' routine
These are the snaps from the night in Bangkok, where our eyes were scarred for life in the boy show, the snaps have taken a while to pass the Blogspot censorship policies hence the lateness. Seeing a man taking a Thai girl home is pretty bad, but being forced to see a bloke with his Thai boy in a restaurant was a little hard to stomach. The following day, we all struggled to come to terms with the night and instead decided to reinact what we had not removed from our minds already. At least we laughed for the first time since the scarring occurred.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Chiang Mai
Elephant 'painting' a picture (see little Thai man actually guiding the trunk behind!)
The masterpiece, 600 baht madam!
Chiang Mai is in the far North of Thailand and seems a bit more interesting. We booked a tour and were taken to an elephant farm...and there were tonnes of elephants doing some random acrobatics and being rode bareback! First of all we were taken down the river on some bamboo raft type construction, and then we saw the true 'talent' of the elephants! They played football, basketball, danced and even painted! Although, suprise it was all a thai sham, as they had some Thai kid secretly holding the trunk and painting away making Nelly look like some kind of a picasso! We did get to ride the elephants which was hilarious as I swear we had the one dysfunctional elephant that was determined to chuck us out of our extremely safe box that we were sitting in. After that we went to some Tribal village for the 'Karen Longneck' People who originally come from Burma. All the girls have heavy metal rings put around their neck and it gradually creates the look that they have a GIANT neck! It was a bit weird because it was a bit staged, but it was interesting anyway!