Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Everybody needs good neighbours!
Sunday, 13 January 2008
A few differences in Oz
Australia is similar to Great Britain in many ways, but also very different. For example they have our Queen on all their money, yet the notes are made from PLASTIC! Apparently this is useful when making the crucial mistake of washing your jeans with a tenner in them! If you go to a restaurant, many of them boast that they are BYO! Yes people, Bring Your Own booze! So you just waltz in there with your bottle of red and ask for a glass! More confusing however is that you can't just walk down to your local Tesco's and buy a cheap bottle of wine or beer....we spent hours walking round Woolworths (a supermarket here..I know...stupid!) trying to find the booze ailse to realise that it was dry as a bone. Apparently in Oz most places aren't licenced to sell booze other than off licences. So we have been frittering away our hard earned cash there! Despite the heavy drinking image that the Aussies have, they can't even handle a full pint either. We were in some bar and we met some Aussie boys who were quite smashed and talking away at us whilst drinking their beer. They were drinking 'Schooners' which are the equivalent of pints, but only about 2/3rds the size. So we challenge these boys to go and order a pint, which they do, and one of them comes back marvelling at the huge size of this pint, dwarfing the stupid schooner, and says the quote of the year.....'Aussies are girls'! That's correct. On a final note, Burger King is called 'Hungry Jacks' in Australia. I say no more.
Nic....a hit down under!
Bondi Beach
New Year
Yep, Nic's the one in the orange!
We treated ourselves to an all you can drink boat ride
For New Year's week we moved down over to Sydney city centre, not far away at all but very different from the beaches! Our hostel was located right in the middle of town which was great and we could walk pretty much everywhere. We went to Darling Harbour and saw an Aborigine playing the digeridoo, he made animal noises with it and everything which just defies logic but he managed it! We went to the Opera House as well which was very impressive and set right against the Harbour Bridge and the water it looked fab! We also went to a place called 'the Rocks' which is right by the Harbour bridge and where the first European settlers came to Australia, and we learnt that you'd be shipped Down Under for merely stealing a loaf of bread in those days! The area has lots of nice bars and places to eat so we enjoyed it! Whilst on a trip to the Opera House we also got a little bit involved with the locals..we were walking along minding our own business when some street perfomer was looking for someone to join in with his 'show' and suprise suprise he chose Nicola. Next thing I know Nic is on the floor as this guy cycles round her and some other lads juggling knives. She survived.
Santa hats and bbq on the beach....whatever next!?!
Christmas Day was spent in Coogee beach which was a really nice day. We woke up late and cooked ourselves bacon sandwiches before heading down to the beach. As soon as we got there we realised the weather wasn't as great as we first realised and went back to get a jumper and some wine to warm our cockles! So there we were, drinking wine, eating mince pies, listening to Christmas tunes on the Pod, watching other people running around with Santa hats on....on the beach. A hot Christmas is so so odd but it was good fun! We stayed there all day and then in the evening we went out in Coogee to find some food. I hate to tell you but the only restaurant we could find was Thai, and so somehow, the Thais are still mugging us off, and we're not even in their country!