Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Margaret River baby!
The Southwest
Exploring outback Oz
Downtown Quorn. Population: Zero
Attempting the journey that we have has been pretty long, but filled with some hilarious moments, and some not so great moments, that one day when the emotional scars have healed, we'll look back on and laugh. Just after we left Adelaide we didn't go far and decided to stay in the Flinders Ranges, which were pretty impressive and were assured they had a hostel. So we arrived in Quorn (yes their tag line is 'So much to see, just around the Quorner'. Oh dear) and went to find the hostel. We were confronted by hundreds of beds in what was a converted hospital, and not a single person in sight. We lied and said we'd be back, but went to a pub instead and met some old guy that didn't really have a clue what day of the week it was, and was looking after the place for a while. We managed to get a cheap room out of him and then went to have a look round the town. Now I don't know how they class settlements into villages, towns and cities etc, but I'm pretty certain that to qualify your shack of an establishment as a 'town' you need to consist of more than one street. So there we were walking in the middle of the high street, again with no fear of seeing another person, and that was it, just one street. In desperation, we went in one of the few pubs, were met with the 'you're not local' look that we have become so familiar with, and chatted with the one old guy in there. We asked him if there was much to do in the area, and he picked up his beer and said 'I'm doing it!'.
Leaving Adelaide...our last sanctuary for a LONG time!
Oh look, it's straight for a change
Although we didn't find Adelaide all that interesting, we would soon realise that we should not have taken it for granted, given its great commodities such as err petrol and civilisation, that we would soon be missing. I may have mentioned earlier that the distance we were aiming to travel between Adelaide and Perth would equal that of London to Moscow, which although is long, is still achieveable. However there was a twist when doing it here of course, as imagine you set off from London, maybe go through France and the rest of Europe until you reach Russia. How about you replace going through France and the rest of Europe with COMPLETE AND UTTER NOTHINGNESS. That's pretty much what this journey was like, as after leaving Adelaide we visited a couple of other towns until we got to the Nullabor Plain, which is a couple of thousands of kilometres of nothing. When I say 'nothing' I want you to imagine you're stuck in the middle of scrub land in over 40 degree heat, with no civilisation and no people for as far as the eye can see. Fortunately we had checked our tyres, oil, water levels, and had a spare can of petrol before hand as breaking down wasn't really an option. Out there there is no phone signal for miles, and according the the lovely stories we have heard, the Aboriginees would have your car on bricks before the RAC got to you! We had invested in a (free) map of the Nullabor plain before we set off though and it marked out all the 'towns' along the way so we aimed to stop for the night at one of these. The one we went for is called 'Cocklebiddy', which unashamedly brands itself as the 'Home of Bulls**t and Beer'. We were a tad suprised, as you can imagine, that the 'town' consisted of a petrol station and a motel. Ritzy. We put our foot down the next day, drove through the 'longest, straightest' stretch of road in Oz (what a crowd pleaser....all 90 miles of it!) and thankfully made it out of the Nullabor plain and back into civilisation, albeit only a small town, but it sold beer so we were pleased!
Friday, 8 February 2008
Seeing the real Oz...could get you killed!
Driving about the country is so different to back home. The scale of things is about 10 times bigger! For instance, driving between London and Manchester would be about 1/4 of the distance between Sydney and Melbourne..and they are 'close'. So we are planning on driving between Adelaide and Perth, which should take about a week. That's if things go to plan. Apparently you can't leave without making sure you have a spare can of petrol with you, adequate food and drink to last, oh and an idea of where you're going! We have heard many horror stories of the drive..including the fact that Aborigines lie at the side of the road, and when they see someone coming they jump out forcing you to stop, and then they rob you. One couple apparently broke down and went to walk for help and came back to find everything had been taken from their car, including the car seats. Oh and the heartwarming story that we read the other day that an aboriginal couple broke down in the bush and just...died! They ran out of water and it was lights out! So wish us luck!