A bush fire!
Abo art...apparently!
Check the crocs gettin' snap happy!
Now I thought Perth was hot. Welcome to the tropics. It is so so so hot in Darwin I was beadin' sweat pretty much constantly! We spent a few days on the beach and also we welcomed Roz to Oz (hey that rhymes!) and just laid around a lot as it was so damn hot! We did manage to visit yet another Crocodile Farm, which was good as they put chicken heads on this suspended pole above the croc enclosure, then out of nowhere the croc's just jump up from the bottom of a lake and everyone screams. Brill. They also had tigers and kangaroos and wombats and all sorts, all of which were hidden in the shade too bothered to even show their faces! How rude! ha ha! We also went to Kakadu national park, which is the biggest one in Australia. After hours of driving we didn't see much, hampered by the fact our car doesn't have a 4wheel drive booster on it. but we saw some Aboriginal 'rock art'! Hmm... we did see some big big spiders though! Ah!
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