The bit you can see is about 15km long, HUGE!
Nic enjoying an icy hole!
Ultimate glacier geeks
This crevasse is about 40m deep
Studying glaciers at uni was like a slow and painful death, especially when it consists of a lisping lecturer by the name of Jane Hart going on about them in her monotone voice. Seeing glaciers up close though is so awesome! We went to 2, the Fox Glacier (birthplace of the glacier mint?!?!?!) and Franz Josef glacier. These 2 are only of 3 in the world that reach down to the sea and into the rainforest, and their speed of movement is also impressive, at up to 5 metres a day. How cool is that! Simply having a look at the glacier doesn't do it justice, as you can not grasp how huge it is, even my photos don't really show how big it is. So we decided to go on a guided glacier walk of Franz Josef, where we were fitted out with 'crampons' to walk on the ice, and taken round by our guide Rob, from err...Hull. We had an initial climb up the end of the glacier which took about 30 minutes just to get off of the front of the wall of ice. Then we had a walk around the glacier looking into 40 metre crevasses and sliding through holes in the ice, it was incredible! Even our guide was carving out our route on the ice with a pick axe, we were like proper adventurers!
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